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Tin Nguyen 3 min read

Increase Subscribe Rate With Inview Effect From Grow!

Looking for an easy way to help get more subscribers, traffic, and revenue from your site? 

There’s a new Grow feature that could help: introducing Inview Effect! Based on Grow Labs testing of over 800 sites, those with Inview Effect saw an over 40% increase* in subscriber rate compared to those without Inview Effect. Nope, you’re not seeing things. Over 40% from just one feature. 

*While we’re excited about the results from our testing, please note we cannot guarantee your site will see the same results.

What’s Inview Effect?

Why Does Subscribe Rate Matter?

How Do I Enable Inview Effect?

What’s Inview Effect?

The name “Inview” might sound familiar to you if you’re a Mediavine publisher because it’s the same name as our ad unit Inview. Nope, that wasn’t an accident. We named it the same because they’re pretty much the same visually, only instead of the effect applying to an ad unit, it applies to your Grow Spotlight Subscribe form.

Inview Effect increases the likelihood that new readers will subscribe to your newsletter by displaying your Spotlight Subscribe form longer on your page as readers scroll. With this new Grow feature, the Subscribe form will stick to the top of a reader’s screen while they’re scrolling on your site, increasing visibility and the likelihood of subscribing. Increased subscribers can mean more opportunities for return readers, authenticated traffic, and overall sessions. And this can help lead to more revenue as a result.

Why Does Subscribe Rate Matter?

If you’re a publisher running ads on your site, you make money when a reader sees these ads. Essentially, the more eyeballs and traffic on your page, the more revenue you make from ads. When a reader subscribes to your site, that means they want to see more of your content and are voluntarily giving you their information. This is an opportunity to give your subscribers what they’re looking for: more content!

You can send these super fans emails when you have new content and updates to share, which keeps them engaged and gets them back onto your site. 

TLDR: Inview Effect can lead to a higher subscribe rate, which can mean more subscribers for your email list and more revenue for you. All with one feature.

How Do I Enable Inview Effect?

Here’s what you need to do:

1 – Log in to your Grow Publisher Portal

2 – Set up a Spotlight Subscribe form by going to Subscribe Settings > Your Grow Forms List > Add New Form

3 – Toggle on Inview Effect under Subscribe Settings > Inview Effect

That’s it! After taking these steps, Inview Effect should be enabled on your site. For more details on setting up Inview Effect, reference the help docs.

As always, we’re continuously building out Grow features like Inview Effect to make it easier for you to engage with your readers. We’re constantly looking for beta testers for our latest features in development, including the much-anticipated Automailer, and would love your input through our Grow Labs beta program. 

What are you waiting for? 

Enable Inview Effect